Please email QMC's Medical Librarians at
Can't find the article you want in full text?
We've got you covered. Use the "Request An Article" form below and we'll find it for you.
Are you searching for, but aren't finding, relevant articles on a specific topic?
Let us do your searching for you. Use the "Literature Search Request" form below to submit a request for a librarian's support in locating supporting articles and information.
Please be sure to provide as much information as possible to help us get you what you need. For example:
• Your topic: include as much detail as possible, including populations of interest, dates to be searched, etc.
• Your name and email address
• If requesting articles, please provide the complete citation, if possible. A PMID works well too.
A librarian will respond within 24 hours.
Internet access, electronic information resources and computers are provided for affiliated users and visitors (unaffiliated users) for conducting health and medical research. Each user is responsible for limiting use to individual, noncommercial purposes.
Electronic resources are licensed, i.e. not owned by The Queen's Medical Center or The Queen's Health Systems, and are governed by license agreements that restrict use to The Queen's Medical Center and The Queen's Health Systems community and to walk in visitors.
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Additional restrictions may apply.
Any violation of this policy may result in the denial of access and suspension of privileges. Additionally, the misuse or violation of a license agreement is generally prohibited and may result in the termination of access to the electronic resources for the entire Hawaii Medical Library and The Queen's Health Systems community.
If you have any questions about your specific use, please contact the librarian at
March 30, 2020