If you have a new journal club you'd like to promote on this page, or if you have any difficulties using the links below to download the full-text articles for your journal club, please contact the librarian at hml@hpcinternationalinc.com.
If any of the articles selected for your journal club do not include a link to view the full-text article, please contact your journal club coordinator for access to that article.
Articles from previous months can be found below the most current month's articles. For more information about the Pain Management Journal Club, please contact Shawna Chong-Ishii, APRN-Rx at (808)691-4726 or sishii@queens.org.
Brecher DB, Romero MS. A request for gender-affirming treatment in end-of-life care: a case study from an inpatient VA hospice program. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine 2024; 41(3): 340-342. Doi: 10.1177/10499091231174245. This article is not available via the library or open source. Please contact Shawna Chong-Ishii at sishii@queens for article access.
Comparative safety analysis of oral antipsychotics for in-hospital adverse clinical events in older adults after major surgery: A nationwide cohort study. Annals of Internal Medicine, 5 Sep 2023; 176: 1153-1162. doi:10.7326/M22-3021. Kim DH, Lee SB, Park CM, et al. This article is not available via the library or open source. Please contact Shawna Chong-Ishii at sishii@queens for article access.
Articles from previous months can be found below the most current month's articles. For more information about the Trauma Journal Club, please contact Christina "TJ" Donayri, MSHS, RN, CEN, TCRN, CPST, Clinical Coordinator Injury Prevention/Outreach and Education at cdonayri@queens.org.
Articles from previous months can be found below the most current month's articles. For more information about the Neuroscience Journal Club, please contact Dominic Pearsall, Neuroscience Institute at (808) 691-1618 or dpearsall@queens.org.
Bou Rjeily N, Fitzgerald KC, Mowry EM. Extended interval dosing of ocrelizumab in patients with multiple sclerosis is not associated with meaningful differences in disease activity. Mult Scler. 2024 Feb;30(2):257-260. doi: 10.1177/13524585231208311. Epub 2023 Nov 9. PMID: 37942884 This article is not available via the library or open source. Please contact your journal club coordinator for article access.
Sounding Out the Blood–Brain Barrier. N Engl J Med. 2024;390(1):82-85. doi:https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMe2311358. Hynynen K. This article is not available via the library or open source. Please contact your journal club coordinator for article access.
Ultrasound Blood-Brain Barrier Opening and Aducanumab in Alzheimer's Disease. N Engl J Med. 2024;390(1):55-62. doi:https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMoa2308719. Rezai AR, Pierre-Francois D'Haese, Finomore V, et al. This article is not available via the library or open source. Please contact your journal club coordinator for article access.
Articles from previous months can be found below the most current month's articles. For more information about the Social Work Journal Club, please contact Kaitlin Peterson at kaipeterson@queens.org.
Donovan, K., Regehr, C. Elder Abuse: Clinical, Ethical, and Legal Considerations in Social Work Practice. Clin Soc Work J 38, 174–182 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10615-010-0269-2. This article is not available via the library or open source. Please contact your journal club coordinator for article access.
Best Practices for Sharing Articles with your Journal Club Group
1. It’s ideal to share links to articles instead of sharing a PDF or print copy. Persistent links, also known as durable, stable, direct, or permalinks, are permanent links to individual articles, eBooks, or journals that can be shared via email or per fair use options noted above.
2. If your journal club has people outside the QHS community, consider using open access articles for your journal club because open access articles are freely available to anyone. Find open access articles in PubMed Central which is a free digital repository of high quality, open access publications. Also, when searching PubMed in the left sidebar of the results page, there is a link to free full text.
3. If the article is coming from a print journal, you can provide photocopies of the article to the QHS journal club members.
4. Scanning a print article and emailing the PDF it is not allowed under Fair Use copyright law.
5. Sharing articles that were obtained through interlibrary loan is not permitted under Fair Use copyright law.
The librarians at Queen’s are here to help you acquire and share the articles
needed for your successful journal clubs. If you have questions about creating
persistent links, or finding open access articles, please contact library@queens.org