Native Hawaiian Health and Well-BeingTo improve the health status and wellbeing of Native Hawaiians and others by advocating for, initiating and maintaining culturally appropriate strategic actions aimed at improving the physical, mental and spiritual health of Native Hawaiians and their ‘ohana (families) and empowering them to determine their own destinies.
Drug Information
DynaMedex (Dynamed + Micromedex)Introducing DynaMed® and Micromedex® with Watson™: A new clinical decision support solution from IBM Watson Health™ and EBSCO Information Services. Combining DynaMed’s curated disease information with the rich drug content and natural language search capabilities of Micromedex with Watson, this new all-in-one solution provides comprehensive evidence-based insights designed to help accelerate clinical decisions and improve efficiency at the point of care.
UpToDate is available onsite and remotely. Instructions are located on the "Database Tutorials" tab.
DynaMedex (Dynamed + Micromedex)Introducing DynaMed® and Micromedex® with Watson™: A new clinical decision support solution from IBM Watson Health™ and EBSCO Information Services. Combining DynaMed’s curated disease information with the rich drug content and natural language search capabilities of Micromedex with Watson, this new all-in-one solution provides comprehensive evidence-based insights designed to help accelerate clinical decisions and improve efficiency at the point of care.
PubMedPubMed® comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Cochrane LibraryThe Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making.
ScienceDirectScience Direct is a database of scientific and medical publications with +18 million pieces of content from more than 4,000 academic journals and 30,000 e-books published by Elsevier. Includes a mixture of open access content as well as subscription full-text access.
Ovid ResourcesOvid Resources includes hundreds of e-books and journals available through this complete listing. Search journals and e-books in their A-Z lists across dozens of specialties including medicine, nursing & health, behavioural sciences, basic sciences and more.
PubMed CentralPubMed Central is a free research database and digital repository that archives open access full-text scholarly articles that have been published in biomedical and life sciences journals.
CINAHLCINAHL is an index of English-language and selected other-language journal articles about nursing, allied health, biomedicine and healthcare.
PubMedPubMed® comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Cochrane LibraryThe Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making.
LearningExpress LibraryAvailable through EbscoHost platform. LearningExpress Library is designed to help students and professionals at all levels of learning achieve their educational and career-related goals.
Lippincott ProceduresLippincott Procedures is your online source for instant, evidence-based procedure guidance at the point of care. With over 1,700 procedures and skills from a wide variety of nursing specialties including allied health, it combines the most trusted clinical content with powerful online workflow functionality that will enable your clinical staff to save time, standardize care and deliver improved patient outcomes.
Ovid MedlineMEDLINE is the National Library of Medicine's premier database that contains bibliographic ciations and author astracts from more than 4,600 biomedical journals published in the United States and abroad. Medicine, nursing, dentristry, veterinary medicine, allied health and pre-clinical sciences are some of the main concentrations of sources contained within MEDLINE.
Ovid MEDLINE is one of two primary ways to access MEDLINE (the other being PubMed). Ovid MEDLINE utilizes the NLM's controlled vocabulary thesaurus, otherwise known as Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). MeSH terms are used because they provide a consistent manner of retrieving information despite possible variations in naming. Users have control over which subject headings are used, and search strategies may be saved for future use.
Ovid ResourcesOvid Resources includes hundreds of e-books and journals available through this complete listing. Search journals and e-books in their A-Z lists across dozens of specialties including medicine, nursing & health, behavioural sciences, basic sciences and more.
PubMed CentralPubMed Central is a free research database and digital repository that archives open access full-text scholarly articles that have been published in biomedical and life sciences journals.