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Hawai'i Medical Library

Notice:  Onsite access to Hawaii Medical Library may be experiencing authentication issues.  If you cannot access its resources, please request a username and password by emailing 

Welcome to the Hawai'i Medical Library!

If you need help with finding information, please contact your medical librarian at and they will gladly assist you!

Library resources require a password to access when you're off-site and working remotely.

To log in, select any HML resource and enter your username and password on the page that opens.

If this is your first time using the Hawai'i Medical Library (HML), or if you forgot your login credentials, please email us at to set up or reset your library user account.

Quick Links to eResources

Onsite & Remote User Authentication

HML resources are readily available to all QHS onsite users.

For remote (offsite) access, email with your remote access request and we will set up your remote access credentials via our EZ Proxy server.
NOTE: For remote access to UpToDate, simply select “Database Tutorials” at the top of this page and follow the UpToDate registration instructions. 

Quick Links to ONSITE Only eResources

Onsite User Authentication

Onsite-only access is available to all QHS users for the following resources. For questions, please contact the librarian. 

NEW: Upcoming Library Info Sessions

As a QMC staff or resident, you're invited to an informal webinar with Queen's medical librarian! We'll first give you a brief overview of the library, highlight key resources and databases, and then open it up for a Q&A. So bring your burning library questions! Webinars are open invitation and are held quarterly. Drop in for ten minutes, or stay the whole time. Come to one session or join us for all of them. Just click the appropriate link below when the time comes. All QMC team members are welcome! 

If you have any library-related questions in the meantime, please email us at

Opioid Therapy and Pain Management CME

Are you registered with the DEA to treat and manage patients with opioid or other substance abuse disorders?

The deadline to satisfy the recently added DEA requirement to renew your license was June 2023. The American Medical Association (AMA) just released a new course on their EdHub platform to support you in completing this requirement. "Opioid Therapy and Pain Management CME" is an 8 hour course you can work through it at your own pace. 

What Are You Looking For?

Medical News Headlines

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Medical Librarian

Profile Photo
Heidi Patterson
Please email me with your article requests or topic searches. A five hour time difference may impact replies. It is my pleasure to assist with your research needs. Thank you for using your library services.

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CLICK HERE to stay informed of the latest news and announcements from The Queen's Health Systems. 

Copyright © 2020 The Queen's Medical Center, Hawaii Medical Library. All rights reserved. Send questions, suggestions and comments to the HML librarian via email at